One of the pleasures of flying at 30,000 feet (on a good day--the CRJ 200 is not known for its strong climbing performance) in the summer is seeing the amazing cloud formations. I wish I had pictures to do justice to the beauty I see so often. Sometimes I think it's a shame that cartographers have mapped out the permanent geographical features of the planet but but the spectacular mountains, valleys, canyons and islands of clouds are too transitory to merit such attention. In fact, their constant evolution is part of their splendor. You will never see the same cloud twice, because it is constantly changing.
Hopefully one of these days I will own a decent camera and take pictures of my own, but for now, here are some I found on the internet that give you some idea of what I see almost every day (and these aren't even good ones).
I envy you in the sense of seeing vistas from the way God possibly sees the Earth each day...I do not envy the responsibility of having to land a plane full of passengers.
I think you're right though; clouds, like sunsets, are continually changing.
I remember the first time I ever flew - I think I was in fifth grade and it was from Houston to Lubbock to visit my great-grandmother. This was the first time that I realized that clouds make shadows on the ground. Lubbock is especially flat and I was fascinated by the perfect shadowy cloud shapes made on the ground below by the beautiful clouds above. I have also always envied Mary Poppins' ability to perch daintily on a puffy white cloud; that would be so fun to try - they look so comfortable! ~ Laura :-)
I used to dream about flying through the clouds when I was little- like superman. They give me a peaceful, heavenly feeling.
That's why... whenever I fly.. I ask for the window seat!
Once... I got to peek out the front window. The stuardess was going up front to take some drinks to the pilot/co-pilot. While the door was open I snuck a quick peek. MUCH better view in my opinion.
I have long been fascinated with clouds and birds. Seeing the tops of the clouds is by far my favorite thing about flying - there is such beauty in the sky's landscape.
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