Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Coolness That is Facebook

Several months ago I received an invitation in my email to join Facebook.

It was from my mother.

Yes, my mom is more with it than I am.

I signed up and within just a few days I found my email full of people “friending” me who I had known in high school, college, my mission and even friends just down the street. It was very cool to re-connect with people I hadn’t talked to in 20 years or more and see where life had led them. Months later I still seem to add a friend or two every couple of weeks. I tend to check in when I’m on the road and see what’s going on. From what I hear some people get really wrapped up in it, spending hours of their day on Facebook. Sort of like World of Warcraft fro the non-Geek crowd, I guess.

Now my daughter, Banana, is on Facebook, as well as several of her friends. Two have invited me to be “friends.” I ignored the first request, because I just think it looks creepy that I’m friends with 13 and 14 year-old girls. But I mentioned it to someone at work and he said to go for it because then I’ll know what they’re up to—and know what my daughter may be up to. Her friends are pretty level-headed, as is she, but there may be some wisdom in that thought.

At least she doesn’t have a MySpace account. Then I might have something to worry about.
Now, I realize that I only have three or four people who read my blog, but if you're on Facebook and we haven't added each other as friends, well, what are you waiting for?


Gerb said...

I am also friends with Banana, ElemenoB and a couple of their other friends. And I like reading what they post on their walls.

And getting in touch with some people from the past has been pretty fun, too.

annette said...

I'm thinking about signing up... I only hesitate placing another temtation in my already crowded personal time slot.