Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Hero Within

OK, now you know my secret. While others believe I’m off flying around the southeastern USA I’m actually fighting against the forces of chaos and evil.

A little about eh costume/look. First the hair. No, that’s not a mullet. I swear. Ever since I saw the film “Willow” I wanted to be able to have my hair like Madmartigan’s (played by Val Kilmer). Why? I don’t know, it just looked cool to me, and with thick wavy hair it was never going to happen. Believe me, I grew up in the 70s when it was cool to have long hair. It didn’t work (not that my mom ever let it get too far).

As for the costume, flashy just means you’re easier to pick out. I like stealthy. Sneak up on the bad guys and take them out before they even know what’s happening.

The sword? OK, that’s more for “the look.” It’s not standard equipment, but swords are just much cooler than guns from my point of view. If you’ve ever watched “Heroes” on TV then you know that Hiro gets this too. It’s just one of those things.

Well, now my secret is out. But good luck catching me. You never know when I might turn up next.

A little more seriously, though, don’t we all want to be heroes? Some may not wish for the attention, but who doesn’t want super-powers to enable themselves to do amazing things? Amazing fathering powers would be high on my list. You know, always being able to motivate your children to do the right thing for the right reason at the right time. Incredible flying and financial planning skills would be too. Especially in this economy! Lets just make that fantastic providing powers so that we always have enough and to spare. Not to mention extraordinary husband powers (you know, like mind-reading) so that I can make my wife not only feel cherished and loved but also take away her worry and stress. I could go on, but you get the idea.

(If you haven’t already, check out my wife’s blog here. And you can be a hero too! Go to The Hero Factory and create your own alter-ego.)


annette said...

You look awesome! I like the shades:) I like your insight on real super powers. You may argue that you don't have them, but I know the truth.

M said...

I think you look amazing! It's cool to have a super hero dad!