Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Something I’ve never been especially good at is time management. I understand the basic principles, but generally lack the will-power to see it through as effectively as I should. Sometimes I’m very on-the-ball and other times I am a slacker. It’s easy to stay busy sometimes, but not accomplish much of anything.

One of the concepts that I’m trying to better implement I first learned from Stephen R. Covey, the well-known productivity expert. In a PBS special he demonstrated how often we tend to let the little things get in the way of the things that matter, preventing us from giving them adequate attention. Here’s a quick version of the concept:

The key is determining what the rocks are and scheduling that time as inviolate. Church is an easy one, as is work. In my profession, arriving late for work is a quick and easy way to get fired. What are the other rocks? Family time? Couple time for those who are married? Exercise? Sleep? Ah, sleep—the time that tends to absorb the other things that didn’t get done earlier. How often do we miss out on sleep to get caught up? I’m still working on all this, but trying to figure out what my “rocks” are and making sure they do not get pre-empted by the gravel and sand of my life.

1 comment:

annette said...

The big rocks are easy to determine, but it's those darn medium rocks- so many and so hard to determine which to keep and when.